Welcome to the Old Settlers Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Online Store!
Our PTA's mission is, "to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children". And we know there is no commYOUnity without YOU – our members!
Our PTA subscribes to Membership Toolkit - this online service that makes it easier to work together. REGISTRATION IS FREE! Please note you must fill out the "Family Information Form" for other forms/stores to become available. A green check
will appear to the left of the form once it is complete.
Click on "STORE" and then join your OSE PTA!
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Website: www.oldsettlerspta.com
Facebook: @oldsettlerselementarypta
Twitter: @OldSettlersPTA
Instagram: @oldsettlerspta
Sign-up for the Weekly PTA Newsletter: www.tinyurl.com/PTANewsletter
Questions? Email OSEPTAPresident@gmail.com

dedicated to making every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. To do this our goal is to have every adult connected to OSE be a member of PTA.